Temperature: 22.2° – 27.8° C
pH: 6.0 – 7.5
Lighting: Low to moderate
Origin: Tank-raised, but indigenous through the Western Hemisphere from the United States down through Argentina.
Aquarium placement: Background
Care: Easy to moderate
The Amazon Sword plant (Echinodorus amazonicus) is quite popular in the aquarium hobby because of its impressive size, its simple yet majestic beauty, and its minimal care requirements. This plant can grow up to 20 inches in height with the proper lighting and water quality. The formation of its stems and leaves makes it a member of the Rosette plants, which are known for their extremely short stem axes and the way their leaves grow upward from the base of the plant. The plant is named for its sword-shaped leaves, which vary in color from pale to dark green. The leaves can become quite large, making this a perfect background plant for a large aquarium or a beautiful centerpiece in a small aquarium.