Alternanthera Reineckii, also known as Scarlet Temple, is a sought-after aquatic plant adored for its striking appearance. With its vivid red foliage, this plant adds a captivating burst of colour to aquariums. It thrives in a variety of conditions, making it suitable for both experienced aquarists and beginners. Its adaptability, coupled with its relatively low maintenance requirements, makes Alternanthera Reineckii a popular choice for those seeking a visually stunning and easy-to-care-for aquatic plant.
Type: Stem
Growth rate: Moderate to Fast
Height: 20 – 30 cm
Light demand: Medium to High
Ph: 6.5-7.5
Skill Level: Easy to Moderate
CO2: CO2 is not required, but it will help with their growth.
To propagate the Alternanthera Reineckii , simply cut branches or the top of the plant, and plant the stem into the substrate. Be sure to remove the leaves from the last node on the bottom of the stem to insure proper root growth